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  RULE 1: You CANNOT Out-Train a Bad Diet Whaaat? I know… I know a tough one to take and wouldn’t life be easier if we could eat and drink what we want no matter how hard we work in gym but yeah if you want to lose a good amount of body fat/weight it […]

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8 Nutrition & Lifestyle Lessons Learned Over Time

Environment Shapes Results Where you work, where you eat, where you live, where you train, where you hang out… Who you work with, what you eat, who you live with, who you train with, who you hangout with… These are all things in our environments. The crazy thing is that all these little moving parts […]

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6 Skillsets To BetteringNutrition

‘I know what to do I just can’t seem to do it’ we all hear that a lot, right? we all kind of know what to do we know what’s good, what’s bad, what is going to move us towards our goals and not? Here are 6 steps to helping you improve looking forward: 1) […]

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5 Reasons Why You Should Follow A Fitness Program

Personal Trainers Fitness Programs Cutting back on your favourite food and drink Having days you feel stiff and getting in/out the car feels like climbing a mountain …and you gotta pay for it? when you put it like that sounds horrendous and my worst pitch ever BUT here are 5 reasons WHY you should actually […]

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8 Ways To Tone Up

1. Move daily. Get a fitness tracker, fit bit or use your phone and walk 10000-12000 steps a day, simple but if you do a lot of desk work/driving at least you know you have a base in place. 2. Put resistance against your body 3 days a week. Push/Pull/Lift/squat/deadlift/push a power sled/swing/carry…whatever it may […]

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