Before the beginning of this year

I was on autopilot

I struggled

Struggled with time


intent going into each day

letting things get to me too much

All in all

I was NOT in control of my time or where my attention was

And where attention and energy goes = results show

You can blame time but its probably an energy and decision making issue

You can blame stress but that CAN just be perspective

So I have worked hard on this stuff since the beginning of the year and I am really feeling the benefit

Better idea on what I want

I’m pushing myself to do more stuff, consistently – content online, these emails, a new program I put off for a LONG time

I have spoke at the Tottenham stadium in front of 250 other gym owners

Been into schools to talk to 100s of kids

Worked with businesses on staff performance and mindset

Put together and ran my own seminar or the first time in YEARS

The gym has grown and improved

I got my book published and to best seller status on amazon

(may actually have news on it going into a retail store soon) fingers crossed on that

Yeah that is the ‘highlight reel’ and it has been a hard year so far in many other ways

a family bereavement

trying to deal with an ever changing world – utility costs and the general cost of doing business

ensuring work doesn’t take eat into family time – which it has at times and work very hard to weekly

and probably more if I think hard enough

But a big positive has been starting my online program and offering mindset coaching to those that want it

Any questions

Just ask


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