Intermittent Fasting โ€“ Good or Bad?

Before we start

Here is a video breakdown of the following if you’d rather that ๐Ÿ™‚

With all ‘diets’ its all about the amount of food you consume over a DAY

if you’re looking to drop body fat/weight then understanding that & applying it is key


a highly effective way to do this can be through IF

Thing is though fasting IS NOT magic

Fasting is not deprivation

it’s basically eating the SAME amount of food over a day in a SMALLER window of time

lets face it we fast every night when we fall asleep

and we all gotta sleep

I find personally, and know a few members of DM Elite a great way of controlling caloric intake

take myself as an example (one size does not fit all so this may not work for you)

so I get up 4.45am 5 days out of 7

chances are i’m going to sleep 10am/10.30am on average

2 young kids and the new location mean every day is flat out

regardless if i’m at gym or not

but lets say I eat breakfast 5am (which I wouldn’t feel like anyway)

that is a 17-17.5 hour window of first meal to last meal


you’re going to over eat no matter how ‘good’ you eat

so when I take my first real break – usually 11-12pm

i’ll have my first meal

2nd meal mid afternoon

Dinner 8-8.30

(Or wait until to 9pm so that you can watch Love Island haha)

a much smaller window and I always feel full

does take a bit of getting used to for the first part of the day but I find if I keep myself busy, drink plenty water and have a coffee/2

โ€ฆ.i’m good and it helps!

Fasting will also

1. Rest the digestive system

2. create a break in eating patterns, while shining a spotlight on them

3. can create greater mental clarity (rather than what food can I have next every hour for 17 hours)

4. heal ‘stuck’ emotional patterns with food

5. helps increase energy levels over the course of a day

and for you

may help you drop body fat, I don’t know the exact stats but I know it’s helped myself

i’m a sugar addict so this helps me really ‘control’ that

I would definitely NOT say this is faddy, it just helps some individuals as per their workload/lifestyle

it may work for you/it may not

but its worth considering if you’re struggling a little

any questions on that ^^

let me know ๐Ÿ™‚


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