It will be Scary, But I’m Excited!


So last week I was asked to do my first public speaking gig

The company that help us with our marketing, FMA...are hosting a 'mastermind' on March, 31st

They were up at the gym recently to shoot a testimony and were amazed about how well the gym was doing

This company works with gyms in the UK, Ireland and USA and were seriously impressed with the set up and what we are doing

So...just before they left they asked me to speak to the event

The venue? The Tottenham Hotspur Stadium pretty cool location for the first gig. I've been to it a couple of times and it's got to be the smartest stadium in the UK

i'll be in front of 200 gym owners, personal trainers, nutritionists etc from around the world

The keynote speaker me and a couple of other guys will be speaking alongside is Zack George

Britain's fittest man

He's the UK's top CrossFit athlete and it will be cool to meet him and learn some of his lessons

I'll be speaking on what I want to really on what I think has been our key successes to date

I reckon I'll be going down the mindset, goal setting angle as it's what i'm super passionate on

and I don't actually think you can accomplish your full potential unless you really have this dialed in

That's why i'm going to be doing more of this stuff personally as well as the Gym, this year



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