Off to Dublin!

Today I shoot off to Dublin for a few days

I have a Gym Owner conference Thursday at the Aviva Stadium

Some cool speakers and lots to learn, I’m sure!

We are part of a group of industry leaders around the UK & Ireland

And we meet every few months to discuss ideas and best practise

It was at the last one we saw the Hyrox idea for members and implemented it instantly!

This time last year was actually when I had the opportunity to speak in front of everyone at the Tottenham Stadium in front of 350 peers and plenty has been worked on since.

I’m sure there will be lots we can take away and back to Inverness to keep pushing ahead and bringing innovative ideas to the local market

We also recently sent Grant one of our employees to a similar gym to ours in Aberdeen last week

Innovating and looking for the 1-2% improvements every day is massive to us and it keeps our business fresh

“If you aren’t innovating…you’re evaporating” as one mentor once told me!

I’m actually also going to visit a few really high end, premium Gyms…the best that Dublin has to offer

To see if there’s anything we can take back to improve our product and service

I’ll go to a couple bigger, more ‘open’ Gyms

Also, a few Small Group Personal Training based Gyms (like ours) to see what Ireland has to offer

Relative Price Points
Service delivery
Customer Experience
The Staff

Will all be things I will take a real look at and look forward to feeding back to you in a later email/post

The meaning behind this post mail is never stop looking for ways to grow and get better

There is no ‘end game’

You never really complete life, fitness, health or total fulfilment (I don’t think) and it’s huge to always have that purpose and something to drive you forward.

Commit and aim to get 1% better every day
You get 365% better by February 2024

The cool thing? Results will show up across other areas you didn’t even expect

Have a good day


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