Planning lessons with my dog Rio

So last Friday had a super full on day planned out

Stuff set out

Everything packed

From attending Gym 6am

Going to do a mindset talk with S5/6 at Millburn Academy

2 meeting and then some work

Wrapped up with a quick change and unfortunately a funeral

The day was planned meticulously

So I get up 5am

Go downstairs….and there’s a bad smell brewing

Go through and see a very guilty Labrador looking bad at me

He’d only gone and had an ‘accident’ lets say (it is early)

So bang goes my ‘ideal’ plan

But here’s the thing

plans don’t always work…but PLANNING does

I re set things as it wasn’t myself or the Dog’s fault

Moved things around a bit, cleaned of course and got on with the day

See I think too often when things happen to us we don’t expect we lose ourselves a little

and don’t know how to get it back

Then a lot of stress, anxiety creeps in because we aren’t meeting our own expectations ( << That’s all that is)

and we resort to our default mode, the day passes by and maybe the week month

This may affect your health, fitness, mindset so therefore relationships at home and how you do at work/in business

I know it because I live it daily as do all of us

Things will happen when we don’t expect

People will let us down

We will feel we let ourselves down

The world will change

One thing that isn’t going away is YOU and your thoughts

Something I have have worked BIG on over the past 10 weeks with my Improve clients

See here:

“Half way through and I can honestly say it’s helped me a lot.
I enjoy the journaling which I’ve not done before. I’m in a much better place than I was before I started Improve.
I write every day that I will stay focused and be positive and it works! My mindset is so much better.
I’m more organised, plan ahead and factor in things I like to do. I’ve gained also from the weekly training sessions we do which I can watch back whenever I need to.”

“Have to say this has been a lot tougher than I thought,  it has made me take a closer look at myself and physically deal with areas I know I need to improve on for my well being. What makes it hard was writing it down, makes you admit areas to improve which is uncomfortable,  but then when I  reflect back over my notes I see small steps of progress.
Not happening overnight but just like learning new skill it takes time and practice.
I was apprehensive at first, a bit self conscious thinking that I can’t change , but I know now I can .
The class for week, then the recap and questions on weds are brilliant , I have found the conversations so relate to how I feel, I so get it !!
Which makes me feel I am not a failure but someone wanting to better myself for me, make all aspects of my life better.
You were right, it so makes a difference to think about the week, plan, the days.
Finding myself reflecting more , I looking for this to be a habit change for me which will remain,
Would recommend anyone to try this  I using this to help my work challenges along with my own personal needs.”

My next intake will commence Sept 26th but before that I will have a 7 Day Free Challenge for anyone looking to give it a try 

This will be for anyone looking to improve how they feel day to day

Better your mindset and how you deal with setback and difficult situations/times

As well as work on habit change, planning and setting goals that make us feel excited 🙂

This will kick off September 12th

If you’d like to take part in my next 7 Day Challenge

Ask to join here 

And I will get you in and ready to go for the 12th 🙂


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