What If I’m Not Fit Enough

Recently had an ex-member looking to come back and work with us

And he ended up saying he would come back when he was fitter and lost some weight

Now this ain’t the first time we have had this…and from experience

People will ALWAYS seek comfort

I do it when I reach for chocolate when the kids go to bed and I feel my energy drop

I do it when I talk myself out of that workout I geared myself up for doing on my own in the Gym

And the more we say whatever we want to rationalise

The more we believe it

“need to get fitter and lose some weight”

Now I get this, because this person wants to FEEL good upon returning…and I totally hear that


Are they more likely to get fitter/lose weight on their own…or with us coaching them providing more support, accountability and a real push within sessions?

I would say 9/10 the later

So, whatever your common obstacle or barrier may be,

Chances are it’s holding you back from unlocking the next level within your Health & Fitness ‘game’

I address a few more of these questions we may generally get asked upon enquiring about the gym in the video below

Previous/Current injuries or limitations

Lacking time and being busy

And more

To see this video and what our views are on the above PLUS how we work around it as a Gym – Click Here

If you would like us to help you unlock the next level within YOUR health and fitness journey

Click here & we will be in touch

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