What We Are Not

Since we started back in 2016, we have been pretty firm on maintaining our brand promise and ensuring we stick to what we know and are the best at 🔥

 We are not a gym that offers a membership card & you can come along, stick headphones in and go it alone.

 We do offer an immersive, coached experience that requires attention and the ability to take on board coaching pointers/cues that offers you value each & every time you come to us. We push you to train at your relative level and get what you need in order to move and feel better.

 We are not an online workout provider. It’s our belief that online can be useful, but what we do best is in real time with the ability to read members mood, form, technique, energy & emotions whilst leading progressive individualised coached workouts.

 We embrace tech with the use of MyZone, giving members access to a nutritionist, dedicated coach & other online coaching tools where required what we do 99% of the time is done best in person…by real people.

 We are NOT the Gym for you if you’re shopping on price. Best and cheapest rarely appear together and there’s a reason for that. You cannot be both. We know that when people pay, they pay attention & what we do offers life changing value to our members lives.

 What we can say is being an independently owned gym without outside investment we have to dial down and offer serious depth to what we know, and that is coach led group training with an individual approach…executed in an environment that makes people feel something and connect with like minds. In addition to that being able to offer best in class equipment for the service as well as coaching in and away from the Gym, it will only be expensive if you don’t use it.

If you use it & apply everything we aim to put across to our members then it will be the best investment you ever make.


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