Why I Have Hired a Coach for 2022

I am an extremely goal orientated person

and when I don’t have something to work towards

…it kinda makes me edgy

Now we have our Gym goals as a pre-requisite and I have built a great team that can help me implement these.

> We want to go from 230 members to 275 members in 2022.

> Know where our location will be post 2023 and ideally buy instead of lease to protect the future.

> Get our nutrition coaching program off the ground going into 2023

> Give back to the community and become a social enterprise as well as a Gym. We have already lined up a few events and charity causes we are working towards in Q1.

> Have a year of amazing Social Events. We will have our 5th Games Day, Group Walks, Fitness events to attend externally, 1st Brunch Club (and more), our postponed Xmas party at the end of March, summer BBQ

…and hopefully a proper Xmas bash in December.

That’s what the gym is all about at the end of the day. People and getting them together.

So those are our targets as a team.

But I found myself a little lost on what to do personally.

Last year my goals were to steer the gym out of lockdown and grow again, move into our dream house as a family and write a book.

All of them gave me a push and I did them all with a lot of help and the book should be out to publish in a couple of months.

Going into this year. I didn’t really know what. I just knew I needed some accountability to achieve goals I didn’t necessarily know HOW to achieve.

So I have gone back to Paul Mort for some help. I started working with Paul in 2013 and we would 100% NOT have a gym now if it wasn’t for his help.

In fact…I would go as far to say I wouldn’t be in the industry.

And our first task has been to set ourselves targets. The catch

‘…if we know how to achieve it…it’s too boring

So here are my personal goals I want to declare publicly for some extra accountability

(I don’t want to get this memory 1 year from now and know I haven’t done it)

> Start an Online Personal Coaching Business and work with 50 people. I don’t really know what it is or what i’ll be doing I need to work on that.

Truth is I don’t think I can do it. But that’s the exciting bit and we will see what happens.

Thing I have figured out here ^^ is I want to prove to myself I can be good and make a success of something else. And i’m kinda scared of failing.

Also know I need to start posting more on here and I don’t always find that easy.

> Holiday with family in April for 2 weeks. And 2/3 other breaks away with Aimee.

> 2500 MyZone Meps per month (averaged 1500 last year) and sub 6.30 2000m Row

> At least 1 Rangers game and 1 Man U game

> Attend a property course and learn the game (booked for this month)

So there we are.

I’m accountable to these target both for the gym and myself personally.

Proof will be there to see January 2023.

Time to get to work.

What are your goals for 2022?


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