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Why Most People Find Themselves Stuck With Their Fitness

I have been thinking since last week and how my frame of mind has changed since starting the business.

When I opened the Gym I thought it would be easy, I had no plan & was quite naive/immature albeit willing to gamble on myself.

See, I thought it would be all about workouts and fitness.

Each and every year it has evolved my thinking, relating to the industry and business as a whole.

Thing is, we and I aren’t in the fitness business. 💯 it’s a huge element but we are more so in the communication, leadership, being able to shift someone’s narrative (sales), marketing and branding business.

If we negate any of the above we don’t have a business and people can’t find us or our group workouts that people enjoy so much.

Fitness is where it starts and it’s what we are known for, but it goes way deeper.

And this made me thing of members – pre, post and present.

You probably aren’t in the weight loss and toning up ‘business’

Stay with me here…

as you say to yourself ‘I do just really want to lose weight and tone up Dan’ 😂

I’m sure you may have came for that very reason, but we must know that there is a 90% chance that is a SYMPTOM of a bigger underlying problem we have in our lives.

It could be:

> Being the parent you always envisioned yourself to be. Role modelling for your kids/grandkids future. 

> FEELING more attractive, knowing you are progressing and building that confidence.

> Being the that team player in the relationship you want to be in. Contributing to a happier present and future through feeling better within.

> Being the boss, colleague or employee you know best serves who you want to impress or add value to.

Relationships, money, career and parenting are huge parts of our lives and it probably consumes most of our day to day.

But…are we showing up as the best version of ourselves, living proactively and ultimately building ourselves day to day aligned with the future version we see of ourselves?

If yes, great & keep doing that. It’s working !

If no, there is where we are potentially not clear on priorities, thinking & making decisions based too much on the short term and our real underlying reason why we want to be fitter, healthier & live with a strong mindset.

Our health is our number 1 asset and unless that is prioritised, we are living with the hand brake on and not to our full potential.

This is my firm belief and why we started DM Elite. It’s an extension of our own values and beliefs…and by sticking to these principles is why we have been able to help so many people unlock their own potential.

Want to get unstuck?

Get super clear on what and why. Don’t neglect what you know deep down, is priority.

Awareness precedes change.

Short term easy decision = long term harder life.

Short term hard decision = long term easier life.

Hope this helps set you up for next week 😃



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