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I had a conversation with a member at our Inverness Gym last week – nearing the end of her 6 Week Beginners’ Program with us and she’s loving it. Can remember speaking to her on her initial onboarding session and she was terrified. Had previous bad experience(s) at the Gym and was really apprehensive. This […]

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Why we are not a HIIT Gym

Not all interval training is the same Generally HIIT as we know it has a time and a place most of us would have had to do during lockdowns to get a workout in if you’re travelling and stuck in a hotel room it may be all you can do like any workout, you will […]

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Number 1 Tip For Habit Change

“I have never seen someone consistently stick to positive habits in a negative environment.” Was reading some ‘Atomic Habits’ recently by James Clear And this quote popped out to me Environment is everything and they do say you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with So if you really […]

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Ideal Gym/Fitness Template For Everyday Athletes

I walked into the Nike Store in Buchanan St, Glasgow last week The quote at the top of the elevator was the following: “If you have a body, you are an athlete” Bill Bowerman (co-founder of Nike) And it’s so true. Whether you are a professional footballer, someone that works in an office Mon-Fri or […]

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5 Lessons from 12 Years

I’m close to 12 years as a Personal Trainer now and between that time and having a gym for 6 and a half years I have learned a lot Here are 5 lessons you can take with you as you go into a new week: #1 Trying to get sore isn’t the goal of training […]

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New Goals = New Habits

“Rather than being goal driven. Be habit driven.” (and watch how the habits ensure the goals fall into place) I don’t mind New Years resolutions. They give us time to set goals, reflect on our past wins and learnings plus it’s a landmark point in time we can create change from. I also don’t believe […]

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“They Fit”

Had Rosie one of our members at the Gym put this out to our group page Saturday evening It’s brilliant to see people feeling and noticing the change in themselves Not only physically…but also psychologically Here is what she said: “Managed to dig out an old pair of jeans that haven’t seen the light of […]

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How to stick with your fitness goals

Do you find yourself struggling to stay motivated and stick with your fitness goals? Are you daunted about trying because exercise just isn’t your thing? In this post, I offer some guidance for how to actually stick with your fitness routines. To get started, two questions for you: Are you looking to get or stay […]

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What Not to Believe!

In the video below See here I debunk some fitness ‘myths’ Things you MAY have heard over the years, and it MAY have influenced your happiness or progress in a negative way With mainstream media these days and people becoming so good at marketing BS It’s hard to know what’s the truth and what’s not […]

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Workout or no Workout?

Watch here  For my mindset and thought process behind working out and going to the gym …or shunning it off for tomorrow (or the next day) And why what I value has NOTHING to do with numbers on a scale Let me know what you think & Have a great week Dan

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