Tag Archives for " Personal Training "

When Training Is NOT The Problem

As we work towards our next Gym 4 Week Member Reboot It brings us back to what we are in control of/responsible for and how we can positively work forwards We can ALWAYS improve at different stages of our journey Even if you have trained for longer There are always smaller, more incremental gains that […]

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Lessons From Our Strategic Staff Day

Couple weeks back we decided to close the Gym for a Staff Training day A team workout was on to kick off the day at 7am And then we took all of the staff out of the Gym for the day to to the Drumossie Hotel freshen up the environment We wanted to have the […]

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5 Steps to enjoying exercise (without getting hurt)

Enjoying exercise without putting yourself through pain is important, as we want you to be able to keep the habit up for your long term physical (and mental) health ???? Here are 5 tips on preventing injury and feeling as good as possible when you train ????   #1 Nothing is mandatory  It’s easy to think… “I […]

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2 people are trying to lose weight – who has a better chance?

Sleep is an unfair advantage Sleep is a core foundation to obtaining the physical results you’d llike Now I’m not big on ‘talking weight’ and aesthetics a lot Because it required so much context so actually base a proper opinion for any individual That’s why we have coaches that can help It takes the guesswork […]

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4 Ways To NOT Get Results

We all know what to do But sometimes to move forward Focusing on what to say ‘no’ to or stop doing so much will turbo charge your rate of progress Here are 4 things NOT to do if you want to get results: 1) Be Inconsistent & only show up when you feel like Exercise and […]

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28 Day Challenge is OPEN – 10 Spaces Available

New month means we have opened up 10 spaces to bring in new members For our signature 28 Day Challenge These members below all went through our 28 Day Program to initially get started and have loved attending the gym since: “Great gym and lovely trainers. A really great gym where the atmosphere is inviting […]

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Q1 and 90 Days Done

The end of Q1 is here When I set out at the beginning of the year I like to set out annual goals/targets These bigger targets are split into 4 chunks And the end of Q1 is the first time to assess if I’m on track or not Some I have managed to get Some […]

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“Luther” Lessons

I love Luther One of the best shows on TV Not sure if you have seen the movie on Netflix? You should as it’s brilliant ….Don’t worry. No spoilers incoming ha ha Anyway The reason I email is there are lots of lessons to be learned from Luther He has the best intentions but things […]

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Overcoming ‘Gymtimidation’

Gymtimidation is a real thing A 2019 article stated 1 in every 4 people suffered from this so I thought I would delve into it and how to THINK A lot of people that I speak to 4-6 weeks after joining us are blown away by how much better they FEEL Physical benefits obviously a […]

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5 Rules of Life

Recently came across Thom Plummer’s 5 rules of life on Facebook And it got me thinking So I thought I’d share in here Enjoy the read 🙂 Here goes: The five rules of life: #1…. You will never find happiness through others. If you cannot find happiness within yourself, you will never be happy. If […]

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