Gymtimidation is a real thing
A 2019 article stated 1 in every 4 people suffered from this so I thought I would delve into it and how to THINK
A lot of people that I speak to 4-6 weeks after joining us are blown away by how much better they FEEL
Physical benefits obviously a bonus but it’s really that mental aspect that changes the game for them
And they always say about how long they WANTED to do something but just physically couldn’t get through the door
Worrying about not being able to do what we do (we make sure you can do everything personally at your own level/pace)
Worrying about what other people will think (everyone is so focused on their own game & what they are doing to worry about that)
How fit other people are is irrelevant and they were all once in the position you may be in
It’s always MIND over body
Habit change and getting used to coming to the gym can be a grind and you can feel real friction when you start
I know this because all I have ever done is work in the industry and I feel like that some days
Getting a coach, joining a gym and getting more support and accountability can always help BUT it’s always going to start with YOU
So that initial point has got to come from within
Following that, people like ourselves can always help
That’s why we are known as the Gym For People That Don’t Like Gyms
Had previous bad experiences?
‘Failed’ in the past and don’t want to go through that process again
90% of our members have been in the same boat
Came to us with ‘gymtimidation’ and now they love the Gym
Just like one of our members Caroline
You can see what she had to say here on what she thought it would be like
…and what it has been like since joining
And please try your best to grind through gymtimidation
As tough as it will be
As hard work as it is
Your body and mind will thank you for it on the other side 🙂