DM Elite Feedback

At DM Elite we strive to create the best experience for our members. Please take a moment to share your thoughts with us. Your insights help us improve and bring more fun to your fitness journey.

Please note, this form can remain anonymous should you wish, just leave the name & email blank.

Thank you for being awesome!

DM Elite Feedback Form

"*" indicates required fields

How long have you been with us at DM Elite?*
How often do you visit DM Elite?*
On Weekdays I usually visit DM Elite between*
I visit DM Elite to*
How is the Cleanliness at DM Elite*
Who is your Cohort?*
Coach who you have been assigned, that looks after you both within and outwith the gym.
How satisfied are you with your cohorts off the floor coaching service?*
Attendance check ins, goal reviews, nutrition, lifestyle advice etc. Are you on track to achieving your goals?
How do you find the sessions here at DM Elite?*
Anything you'd like to see improve? Is the session delivery, the music, the variety good? Do you enjoy the warm ups? Just some examples...
Do you get a consistent service at DM Elite amongst all coaches?*
How have the organised events been at DM Elite?*
DM Rox, Friday Night Lights, Bootcamps, Xmas Party, Men's Day etc
Rate your Overall Experience at DM Elite*
How have you found your experience at DM Elite and is there anything we could do to improve it for you?
How likely are you to refer a friend to DM Elite?*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.