It's Not About How Good WE Are, It's About How Good We Want YOU To Be

To get REAL people with REAL lives REAL results

  • We want you to look FORWARD to coming in for your next session rather than hate the Gym
  • We want DM Elite one of the best parts of your day
  • We want to make the process as simple and enjoyable as possible
  • We want you to crave the buzz you feel when you complete your daily session
  • We want you to leave the Gym feeling happier, less stressed & with more headspace than when you came in
  • We want you to understand that this is a LIFESTYLE shift rather than a magic pill that’s going to cure all your problems in 1 month
  • We want to surround you with people on the same mission as YOU and work as a TEAM

See What John Say About Us

When we opened, we wanted to create a culture about going to the Gym and Fitness that was totally different and unique for the area. We focus on making your experience with us more personal to you, we have variety, so you never get bored and always aim to over-deliver.

We are NOT about miracle diets, posing in front of mirrors and topless selfies on Social Media.

The traditional Commercial Gym environment and business model is largely designed for the member to fail - it relies on a high volume of people NOT turning up and once you are signed up on a long contract you are forgotten about. Our main drivers are Results & delivering a ‘wow’ Experience.

We are all about revamping how the Gym look and more importantly, feels.

What Is Build

CV & Strength Testing

Calories  vs Macros

Group Personal Training

We are Built on a foundation of Group Personal Training, we have created an inclusive, customer-centric experience that focuses purely on results. It sounds simple, but to do that you need a clear vision, you need to innovate, you need the best standards of training and, above all, you need the right team.

We’re proud to have set a benchmark and we will continue to keep improving.

See What Our Members Say About Us

"Having recently joined DM Elite Training I wanted to Express my gratitude to Dan and each member of the coaching team for helping me get back into fitness and gain back some confidence in myself. Having not stepped foot in a gym in over 2 years I was nervous about how unfit I would be and whether or not I'd manage to do much at all but with their encouragement I manage to work really hard in every class and am seeing an improvement in my fitness levels already!! Can’t thank them enough, the other members are fab too. I love that nobody's there to judge you they all want each other to do a great job! thank you for letting me be part of an awesome crew"


“The environment at DM Elite is different from the rest. the team are super supportive and the other client’s egos get left at the door unlike a lot of places. I've seen great results over a short period and actually look forward to a session. Highly recommended Dan and his team to anyone out there!”


I joined the gym in March for the 28 day Challenge. I'm in my sixties and had been suffering from sciatica, knackered knees and general aches and pains. I'd put this down to age, and I was beginning to need painkillers just to do everyday things like driving. Even walking upstairs was difficult. My GP offered steroid injections for my knees but suggested getting fitter would be more useful. So, I signed up with Dan on a friends' recommendation. 6 months on, I can't believe how much better I feel. My quality of life has improved enormously thanks to Dan, Aimee and the team. Thanks guys!”



  • Nairn Gym. Unit 13A Balmakeith Industrial Estate, Nairn, IV12 5QW

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